All of the Thought Experiments

All of the Thought Experiments

This one is pretty simple – a running list of all of the thought experiments I put in each blog post. To easily find it, just look at the Categories section on the right side of this page, and click on “Thought Experiments”. Enjoy!

The Art and Science of: The Little Black Book

What crucial themes might you discover if you were able to look back over time?

An Interview on Goals with My Mom, Mary Jo

Who in your life could give you advice on achieving a big goal?

An Interview on Goals with My Mother-In-Law, Cheri

Who in your life has accomplished a big goal that you could get advice from?

4 Lessons on Goal Setting from a Mom Who is Potty Training Twins

Are you enjoying the process of achieving your goal? If not, how might that change?

The Art and Science of: The Non-Goal

How many of your goals should actually be non-goals?


When you put your SMART goal into a greater context, does it help get you closer to something really meaningful for you?

The Art and Science of: The Bucket List

What’s on your bucket list? And when will you make time for those things to happen?

This Post is a Real Nail Biter

When is a time you “fell off the horse” and were able to get back on? What was your motivation?

What to do AFTER the Goal

What do you typically do after finishing a goal?

4 Things to do DURING Your Goal

Consider a big goal you achieved. How did you stay motivated?

What rewards would help you work even harder on your goals?

What is an example of a goal that you should have reassessed?

2 Easy Ways to Choose a Goal

How much time do you typically spend in the BEFORE the goal stage? Is it enough?

How to Fail Like a Baby

How can you find something new to learn, just for the sheer joy of it?

The Art and Science of: Taking a Break

What are your tell tale signs that you need a break?

In what ways could you force yourself to take a break?

The 3 Things I Learned from Failing at a 30 Day Yoga Challenge

Reflect on a the last goal you failed to achieve. What can you learn from that experience?

How to Connect the Dots

What are the dots that have gotten you to where you are right now, and what might the dots be getting you to where you want to go next?

The Art and Science of: Informational Interviews

Who do you know – or who do you need to meet – that can provide you the insight you need to achieve your goals?

Visualizing Obstacles

What obstacles might come up for you? Picture them, including how you will respond in detail.

The Art and Science of: Creating a Stretch Goal

What would you be capable of if you stretched yourself?

If you had no constraints, what would be possible?

If you allowed for a major change to take place, how might that be for you?

Book Report: Better, Smarter, Faster by Charles Duhigg

What have you retained from the last book you read? What can you apply to your goals?

Year of Liz Update #1

How might formally checking in on your goal progress energize you to keep moving forward?

What might you need to be reminded of?

How might taking some time now help save you time in the long run?

Lessons from Grandma Sally

What life lessons have you learned from your grandparents?

How Changing My Language Changed My Life

How would changing your vocabulary, internally or externally, help you move toward your goals?

The Art and Science of: Book Reports

When you read, does the information pass over you? Or do you fully absorb it?

How might writing down your favorite tips, facts, quotes, or passages impact you and your goals?

What’s Your Focal Point?

How might having a focal point help you achieve your goals?

Do you need more mental clarity to help you achieve your goals?

The Goal I Achieved…But Shouldn’t Have

What keeps you going, especially when things get tough?

What keeps those you admire going? 

How do you know that it will be worth it in the end?

The Art and Science of: The Non-Journal

How do you currently keep track of your ideas, questions, goals, memories, hopes (and any other random stuff) that comes to mind?

Creating a Goal in 5 Steps

How might having a system in place help you achieve your goals?

Year of (Your Name Here)

What would the Year of YOU look like?

Welcome to the Year of Liz

If you could snap your fingers and make a change, what might that change be?

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